Courses customization and modification

Add Interactive Spark with Our Experts
Do you have pre-developed online courses gathering dust, yearning for a touch of engagement? Breathe new life into them with our team’s interactive expertise! We
transform static content into dynamic learning experiences that captivate your audience and boost knowledge retention.
● Quizzes and polls sparking lively debates and instant feedback.
● Branching scenarios tailoring the learning path to individual choices.
● Interactive simulations putting theory into practice with real-world challenges.
● Collaborative activities fostering teamwork and peer-to-peer learning.
Our transformation magic:
● Content analysis: We dissect your existing materials, pinpointing areas ripe for interactivity.
● Engagement strategy: We craft a custom plan to infuse interactive elements that align with your learning objectives and target audience.
● Tech-savvy touch: We leverage a variety of tools and platforms to create seamlessly integrated interactive experiences.
● A/B testing: We fine-tune the interactivity for optimal engagement and learning outcomes.
The benefits blossom:
● Increased learner engagement: Interactive elements keep students actively involved, boosting motivation and knowledge retention.
● Improved knowledge application: Real-world simulations and problem-solving activities solidify understanding and prepare learners for practical scenarios.
● Enhanced learner satisfaction: Interactive courses are more enjoyable and rewarding, leading to positive feedback and better course completion rates.
● Competitive edge: Stand out from the crowd with dynamic and engaging courses that attract and retain learners

Package 1

  • Modify course instructional design
  • Convert to SCORM file if needed

Package 2

  • Modify course instructional design
  • Add/Modify videos, audios, .. any other media
  • Convert to SCORM file if needed

Package 3

  • Modify course instructional design
  • Add/Modify videos, audios, .. any other media
  • Add interactivity
  • Convert to SCORM file if needed